Miitopia Fanon Wiki
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Welcome to the Miitopia Fanon Wiki! This wiki allows you to go crazy with your imagination and make your very own fanmade Miitopia and other Mii-related content, including Games, Monsters, Grub, Jobs, Personalities and more!

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Note: This wiki is 100% fanon. No elements from the canon Miitopia will be allowed on this wiki. Canon elements may have links to the original Miitopia Wiki, but only Fanon versions can have pages here.

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The Jester is a fanon job by Mimikyu42. They are a job that focuses on Attack, MP, and HP. They wear Vagues as their preferred clothing, and have no preferred Weapons. Also, they hate tomatoes.

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Next Featured Poll arrives on December 1st, 2023

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The next Featured Page arrives on December 1st, 2023.
