Miitopia Fanon Wiki
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"Rid Miitopia of the darkness it has been put under."[]

"Miitopia: In A Dark World..." (ミ-トピア・暗い世界で・ Miitopia: Kurai Sekai De) is an Alternate Story to Miitopia.

The game focuses on what would happen if the Dark Curse possessed the main hero and the Great Sage failed to protect him.


We start with the defeat of the Dark Lord, four heroes are looking at him, and their names show up on-screen.

(LAID BACK MAGE) Solstice: "So, it has finally happened.."

(KIND THIEF) Radio 02: "Yup, indeed it has."

(STUBBORN SCIENTIST) 03: "We did it."

(CAUTIOUS CLERIC) 5048: "We beat the Dark Lord!"

the next scene shows the broken eye medallion, and the cutscene follows as usual until the part where the dark curse tries to possess the hero.

Great Sage: "Watch out!"

As the dark curse heads for the Great Sage, it changes direction back to the hero, now to the ground.

Great Sage: "!"

The screen turns to white then fades in black, cut to Title Screen.


The game presents four new areas, and 2 more presented in separate dlc's.

  • The HP Banana Factory
  • Dark Sorcerer's Domain
  • The endless Tower (In The Dark Sorcerer's Domain)
  • Portal to 終わり (The End, In The Endless Tower's Apex)

DLC Areas and Towers[]

This section contains areas available through what would be DLC'S And Towers are zones much like Tower of Dread and Despair in the Official game.

  • The Cold Frontier (Miitopia: Darkness Rises DLC)
  • Abandoned Lab (Miitopia: Technological Menace DLC)
  • Ruined Pyramid (Neksdor, Tower)
  • Underground Dungeon (Realm Of The Fey, Tower{?})

