Miitopia Fanon Wiki
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Miitwopia: Genesis' Journey

Miitwopia: Genesis' Journey is a webcomic featuring the story of Miitwopia. I will post pages every other Wednesday! You can also read the prologue here!


Part 1[]


Part 1[]

Page 1[]

Narrator: This is the world of Miitopia.

It was a world where all Miis could live in peace and harmony.


All except one...

Page 2[]

Pre-Dark Curse: Why does everyone ignore me? Please, anyone... Just notice me...

(he looks in the mirror) ...Now I see. It's this face of mine.

This no-good, plain, boring face!

Page 3[]

Narrator: And with that, he cast off his face.

He was rid of the thing he had resented so badly.

...But without a face, how could he cling to existence?

Before long, he disappeared.

Leaving behind a soul filled with hatred, malice, and envy.

Page 4[]

Narrator: To exact his revenge, the curse possessed a factory worker and used her body to do something horrible:

Stealing the faces of other Miis.

And to add insult to injury...

The fiend stuck the faces on monsters!

Page 5[]

Narrator: However, people weren't happy about this. Ten heroes were chosen to defeat the Dark Lord and restore peace to the land.

And just like all villains, the Dark Lord was defeated.


Page 6[]

Reborn Dark Curse: (He gets a new body. His right eye noticeably has the markings of the Dark Curse's eye.)

(He opens his eyes)

What am I— How did—

Page 7[]

Reborn Dark Curse: (He touches his face) My face!

Narrator: Using their divine powers, the hero had given the Curse a new chance at life.

Reborn Dark Curse: You... You saved me.


Thank you.

Page 8[]

Narrator: And so, he began travelling with the Great Sage— A powerful mage know throughout the land for their wisdom...

And his new best friend.

They helped a lot of people on their way.

Not enough to atone for his mistakes, but progress is progress.

(The Reborn Dark Curse looks in a mirror) And he built a new identity for himself, away from the Curse.

(The Reborn covers his right eye) He gave himself a new name: Genesis.
